absolutely had to share this with y’all.
A couple of posts ago I had related the experience of Bruno who had to
have a leg amputated after being caught up in a trap and this brought up the
issue of what sort of quality existence could be had by a dog with a serious
physical impairment. Since then we
happened to come across a video of a little Pug in Belfast, Ireland who has
ataxia which is a harmless condition other than it causes some pretty serious loss of motor
control. Loca the Pug finds herself
unable to run due to this impairment but leads a fulfilling life nonetheless
and has made a video (as well as others) to reflect that. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2RJN9a_jdM will take you there. In just over 2 minutes, Loca will win your
heart and you won’t be able to get her little song out of your head but the
main point is that it’s obvious that she has a “life worth living”. While
you’re there, be sure to check out her other videos as well, particularly this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOQtKnHcpSg&list=SP7EA4D3F0A25D9568 . Enjoy!
Just a word
here about the flavor of the local vernacular:
In the video, the word “feckin”
appears often. Although this is
remarkably similar to its oft-used American counterpart it does not convey any
vulgar connotation and, in that part of the world is considered a very mild
oath and not indecorous by most standards.